Friday, June 29, 2007

Day 6 - Sydney, Australia

We started our day off with sunrise in the rooftop club... After breakfast, we headed over to the Sydney Convention & Exhibition Center for another jam-packed day of our Summit Conference. The session began with a video of Brent & Julia Payne's experience of staying several days in the outback with members of an Aborigine tribe. To see how these people have been applying the basics of personal development for 10's of thousands of years is mind-blowing. It is tragic to also learn that this culture is dying rapidly, as the offspring have moved to the cities & want nothing to do with there culture.

After the videos we completed an exercise that allows people to learn to "Be" with someone. The exercise is designed to enlighten someone's ability to "Be" with another person. Very eye-opening. It really is indescribable.It is amazing how many people go through life unable or scared to be with another human being. Everybody knew that they would have the opportunity to walk across fire today.

From here, we loaded up several private coaches & headed out of Sydney a couple of hours.

Destination: Tobruk sheep station ranch.

Objective: Crush fear forever.

Method: walk on fire.

If someone can walk across fire, they can do anything!

Upon arrival, we noticed a rancher on horse back riding along side the coach we were on. There were sheep, horses, lamb & dogs all around the ranch.

We piled in tents (reminded me of Cirque du Soleil a bit) & were shortly introduced to Matt Brady, the man who would teach us how to walk across fire. Matt's presentation was amazing! The experience ranks up on the charts as one of the best speakers I have ever had the pleasure of listening to. Matt brought up some cool points - people become stuck in fear, whether real or not. It is in the fear that we stop ourselves from having experience.

It was really cool to see people confront & deal with fear. The coals were hot... water boils @ 212 degrees. The coals we walked across were 1200-1300 degrees. Leslie & I had a woman in front of us that could not go on her turn. She kept letting people "jump" in front of her. She focused and made her walk right before Leslie & I were to walk. It was beautiful to watch her take action in spite of her fear.

The views from the Tobruk ranch looked out over the Blue Mountains. The Blue Mountains get there name from the abundant eucalyptus growing there. The oil in the eucalyptus leaves permeate the air & the effect is the blue color. Imagine the Grand Canyon covered in blue plants.

Over 500 people ended up walking across searing coals today, kids, teenagers, adults, elderly! What a life changing experience for all, Leslie & I included. We loaded up the buses & headed back. The ride home was too short.

After getting back to the hotel, we called it an early evening & ensured we were well rested for our adventure the next day!

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Day 5 - Bob Proctor of The Secret & Liberty League International

Day 5: Today we spent all day w/ Bob Proctor of the Secret. This is the 3rd or 4th time Bob has been on a Liberty League International stage. He started with LLI back in 2001 when Liberty League International was just a concept. The accolades he shared this trip about the growth & direction "The League" has experienced sounded like a very proud poppa!!! I found it intriguing how he shared that his participation in the world smash hit movie, The Secret was purely the Law of Attraction in Action!

Leslie & I first heard Bob in 02/04 in Oahu, Hawaii. Bob's message is like a laser beam that cut's right through me (you). He gets right to the heart of the matter. I do not think anyone in the audience will ever look @ life the same!

That night, we went out on the town with some friends. We went to a bar called Minus 5, the coolest experience. The bar keeps the temperature @ a minimum of 5 degrees below zero. They issued all of us parkas & timers at the door, as guests are limited to a total of 30 minutes in the ice bar. We enjoyed cocktails from "glasses" made from ice. Everything inside the bar is made from ice, the bar itself, the shelves, the chairs & loveseats. A particularly interesting feature in the bar was the waterfall. Instead of water, anti-freeze flows to prevent it from freezing.

From the ice bar, we went to a restaurant close by, called Aria. Aria is a very swanky & cosmopolitan style place. We enjoyed some amazing wine & a multi-course dinner. We rounded off the evening after several hours & headed back to the hotel.

Day 4 - Sydney, Australia

On our 4th day here in Sydney, Leslie, Jayden, Leslie's mom & I grabbed breakfast at dawn from the top floor again. The view is the best in the city. After watching daybreak thorough the morning clouds and the rain dissipate, we all walked down to the Circle Quay Harbor & caught a ferry over to the zoo. It was such a wonderful ride over on the high speed catamaran. The ride was smooth & the views were nothing short of perfect. Our ferry ride was Jayden's first boat ride & she loved it. We arrived @ the zoo & were immediately welcomed by dozens of Koala Bears. After several minutes of koala bear photo opps, we began our adventure & ran into a group of LLI associates. The morning & afternoon was filled with showing Jayden various animals. We enjoyed lunch and headed back to the harbor after lunch.

Our evening began early & we were shuttled to the Sydney Convention & Exhibition Center for the Summit Conference's Welcome Reception. There is nothing in the world like the energy a person feels right as the doors open to any Liberty League International conference. People rushed in & within 5 minutes, every seat was claimed & people were ready to get the proverbial ball rolling.

The Welcome Reception was amazing... good food, spirits, & high energy buzz throughout. Here we are in Sydney, Australia with over 500 other LLI Summit Advisor's & Associates. It was also the first time I was able to introduce my LLI community to Jayden.

The aborigine music & culture entertainment really set the tone. Tomorrow - all day w/ Bob Proctor!

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Day 3 - Adventures in Sydney

So after watching daybreak from the rooftop club, we gathered up & ventured out of the hotel. We walked over to an area called the Rocks. It is just below the Sydney Harbor Bridge. The Rocks sports some very eclectic cafes & restaraunts, upscale shopping & some very hip open-air markets with vendors of all types. Reminded me of Santa Monica's Farmer's Market. We wandered & found ourselves at the base of the bridge.

We wandered back to the hotel in the rain, knowing that we were going to climb to the top of the Sydney Harbor Bridge with the EMC.

We met up with our fellow EMC members and dropped Jayden off with grandmom. Climbed aboard the coach & the Adventures begin. Leslie & I were in the 1st group of climbers, made up of LLI co-founders, Brent Payne & Shane Krider, their wives Julia & Michelle, & our direct team members & fellow EMC colleagues Gene & Heather Braxton, Jack & Robin Firestone & newly inducted Tony Rush. It was so great to experience this moment with our team. After a series of classes & instructions, we geared up & start our walk towards the bridge. We snapped our tethers in & begin the trek to the Summit of the bridge. The walk up was in the daylight. As we walk through a tunnel carved out of the cement, we emerge on a catwalk that has a grated floor looking down below. The impact of the height really hits now & the knowledge of knowing that we were still below street level begins to set in. We climb up a series of ladders slowly emerging head on with traffic to our direct left. We had climbed out a hole just to right side of oncoming traffic.

Still climbing, we continue up further to the top of the girder. From here we begin our ascent to the Summit of the bridge. On our journey to the top, we continue to look behind us @ the city of Sydney glowing behind us. The sun will have set by the time we make it to the top, so ensuring that we pay particular attention to the view behind us is important. About 1/2 way to the top, the rain began to set-in. It was very moving to me to experience the rain on the bridge. After living in the desert for so long now, rain has a very special meaning to me. Something I really took for granted when I lived back east.

We made it to the top of the bridge in about 2 hours. We spent a fair amount of time looking out all around us in Sydney. The sun has set by now & the city is glowing with lights. We can look down directly into the site of the Olympic swimming competition from our view @ the top.

As we descend, we are looking straight back @ our hotel & down town Sydney. We really get a clear view of how high we are on the bridge & how high we enjoyed our lunch from the Sydney Tower just the day before. After completing our climb, we again board the coach bus waiting on us. We go back to our suite, shower & change into evening clothes and are driven to an awaiting yacht called Morpheus. Our dinner cruise is now officially underway. We enjoy cocktails, conversation, Texas hold'em Poker & Blackjack aboard the yacht. After dinner, we are all out front cruising in front of the Bridge & light up Opera House, when Brent & Shane announce a special treat for us. The next thing we know, we are treated to a 20 minute firework display. The eveing is enchanting & magical. How fitting to realize that everyone looking @ the Harbor can see our firework display. The irony of LLI arriving in Sydney is poetic.

Day 3

Leslie & I wake-up at 6 AM local time this morning... We shower & head up stairs before day break. Enjoying coffee & breakfast, we are the first to arrive in the club & from our point of view we are the first to enjoy the sunrise over the harbor. Looking to the east, the sun is having a slow time getting our beyond the clouds & rain. Their is a fog & mist throughout the city. I don't think the odds favor us for this to clear up before we are scheduled to climb the bridge this afternoon.

I noticed that I left my cord to connect my camera to my laptop, so I'll have to add the appropriate pictures upon our arrival back stateside.

Sydney - Day 2

Our day started with an early phone call from Brian & Rhonda, some of our friends from San Diego. Rhonda & Brian were at the club for sunrise & breakfast was being served. The three of us put it in gear to not miss an enchanting sunrise. The sun across the harbor is nothing short of breathtaking.

After breakfast we sat and enjoyed our coffees & hot chocolates, talked, dreamed & enjoyed the ambiance. We started to notice the vibe of the hotel transforming in front of our eyes. As more and more LLI associates and advisor's begin to check in.

Down in the lobby we were greeted by countless friends within our LLI community. We began our day on foot, heading out on an adventure with no destination. Wandering the streets, we looked up & saw the Sydney tower calling to us like a beacon. Somewhere on the way we found old faithful, Starbucks. It is safe to say the basics are the same no matter your longitude or latitude. It is note able to mention that they come in Venti's down here.

We ended up walking through the Beverly Hills of Sydney. Chanel, Tiffany's, Louis Vutton, Cartier & others lined both sides of the streets as we headed towards the tower.

We took the lift up to the highest man made point in all of Australia. On top we enjoyed an international lunch. We sat, ate, drank, viewed out over Sydney & people watched those all around us. We lost track of time for a few hours. A couple behind us celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary with friends & family. It was great to see their love overflowing & the passion they enjoyed with their loved ones.

After lunch, we climbed out of the tower & embarked on foot towards the harbor. We strode past blocks and blocks of historic buildings. We arrived at the gates of the botanical gardens, which size reminds me of NY's Central Park. Walking through the park, we were met with various themes throughout. Our journey led us to the castle I had seen from our hotel. The police officers at the front gate informed us the importance of this massive structure. It is the Government House, which was home to Sydney's Governor until 1997. The grounds are magical. We walked around the beautiful building taking it all in. The building itself left me awestruck.

Walking back to our hotel, we walked past the Consortium of Music, which is directly across the motorway from our place.

Back in the hotel, more Associates have checked in & the transformation of Libertyville AU continues.

Back @ our place, we found fresh flowers, cheeses & a few bottles of Australian wines. It was Happy Hour in our suite. The wine here is delicious. We also were left our itinerary for tomorrow's adventure: we are set to climb the Sydney Harbor Bridge & take a 5 hour dinner cruise aboard a yacht.

Wrapping up the evening led us to Happy Hour in the rooftop club & dinner in one of the suites. Looking out over the city watching the twinkle of the lights - Sydney is a good feeling city. We are early to bed, as we transition to the time change.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Day 1 - Sydney, Australia

So after taking in breakfast @ our hotel upon arrival, we decided to venture out into the city. Our goal was to stay awake as long as possible to prevent jet-lag. We walked down to Circle Quay (pronounced key), which is the 2nd busiest ferry harbor in the world. Hong Kong claims the busiest. From there we walked to the Sydney Opera House. The sheer size & mass of the Opera House cannot be appreciated until one is standing next to it. We enjoyed a lunch waterfront. The locals here are super friendly & are very happy people. We enjoyed walking the area with Jayden & Leslie's mom. After walking to dinner back down @ the Quay, we retired & called it an early night.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Arrival in Australia

Greetings friends,

We arrived here in Sydney around 6 AM local time after flying 14 1/2 hours from LAX. The rain has subsided for now & the locals say it is cold here now (55ยบ F). I am still in shorts after flying through the night. Jayden is such a great little girl. She was such a great sport on both flights.

The hotel is nothing short of enchanting. Reminds me of a cross of Miami, Manhattan & the vibe of The W HOTEL. I am sitting on the top floor of the hotel in the Club Intercontinental room right now writing to you all. The club room is located on the 32nd floor of the hotel. As I type this to you, I am overlooking the Sydney Harbor bridge, I've got to do the bridge tour that climbs to the top. The view looking directly down is of the Sydney Opera House 32 stories below. The view is of the back side of the Opera House. I am sure that if someone looks @ pictures of the Opera House from the front, that you can see our hotel behind it.

I'm looking @ a castle of some sort just to the right of the Opera House. The view is spectacular. The traffic on the water is fairly heavy & the midday sun is creating a beautiful glitter across the waterway. I'll have to take some photos to post here later. After the girls rest a spell, we are off to start exploring the local area. I'm off to see what I can find close to the hotel now. I think I'll go explore the castle or see how to charter on of the speedboats I see flying all around the harbor...



Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Kangaroos & Koala Bears

G'day Mates,

Hold your calls... Between the housekeeper, the dog & a fish named Sushi - no one here will speak english for 2 weeks.

We are roughly 24 hours away from leaving on another big trip... I have been dreaming about this particular trip for nearly 30 years. I must have been 8 or 9 years old when I first learned of the land of Kangaroos & Koala Bears. This year's Summit Conference trip is to the land "down-under" in Sydney, Australia. It has been SOLD OUT for over a month & I want you to join us...

Since getting started with Liberty League International in March '03, we have traveled to places people usually only dream about for our Summit Conference. Last Summer it was taking safaris in South Africa, in 2005 we were snowboarding on a glacier while in Whistler, British Columbia, in 2004 we went to Athens, Greece (& 5 or 6 Greek Isles) just weeks before the 2004 Olympic Games & in 2003, our 1st year with the company is when we chartered a private island & had the local equivalent of our American Governor marry us while we were in the Fiji Islands.

2007 will be no different. It is our 4 month old daughter Jayden's first stamp in her passport. Leslie, Jayden & I are joining 500 of our business partners for the 2007 Summit Conference being held in Sydney, Australia. We are staying @ the world famous Intercontinental hotel right by the Sydney Opera House. The hotel will come to your suite & draw a bath for you upon request. Service is what this hotel is based on. Besides being a world class resort, the featured speakers have been featured in numerous movies, on Oprah several times, Larry King, NBC Nightly News, Ellen & just about every major newspaper

Leslie, Jayden & I invite you to join us in Australia from your home (or your job or office - Boo!!!) by visiting this site, our blog
( frequently over the next 2 weeks. (Bookmark this to your favorites)


Michael Hamburger
Liberty League International- EMC
(480) 515-9890

P.S. - People ask me all the time, "Michael, what are you reading?" Right now, I am about 1/2 way through Wayne Dyer's "Believe It & You Will See It". I suspect I will finish it before we land in Sydney. I'll let you know my next book from the land down under.

Less than 48 hours...

The timer is on... Our house feels like we are waiting for Santa. Leslie & I are stoked that we are heading to Australia. Everything is set. Our limo arrives in under 48 hours. Tomorrow should be amazing... We're going to pack, run some last minute orders into the corporate office, build a support list for our team & play. Feels like Spring Break week...

Cheers for now,
