Friday, June 22, 2007

Arrival in Australia

Greetings friends,

We arrived here in Sydney around 6 AM local time after flying 14 1/2 hours from LAX. The rain has subsided for now & the locals say it is cold here now (55ยบ F). I am still in shorts after flying through the night. Jayden is such a great little girl. She was such a great sport on both flights.

The hotel is nothing short of enchanting. Reminds me of a cross of Miami, Manhattan & the vibe of The W HOTEL. I am sitting on the top floor of the hotel in the Club Intercontinental room right now writing to you all. The club room is located on the 32nd floor of the hotel. As I type this to you, I am overlooking the Sydney Harbor bridge, I've got to do the bridge tour that climbs to the top. The view looking directly down is of the Sydney Opera House 32 stories below. The view is of the back side of the Opera House. I am sure that if someone looks @ pictures of the Opera House from the front, that you can see our hotel behind it.

I'm looking @ a castle of some sort just to the right of the Opera House. The view is spectacular. The traffic on the water is fairly heavy & the midday sun is creating a beautiful glitter across the waterway. I'll have to take some photos to post here later. After the girls rest a spell, we are off to start exploring the local area. I'm off to see what I can find close to the hotel now. I think I'll go explore the castle or see how to charter on of the speedboats I see flying all around the harbor...



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Michael, Leslie, and Jayden,
I am sure it is awesome!!!! 55 degrees is soooo much coler than the 113 we are experiencing here in Phoenix. We love to hear about everything, so keep it coming!! We will definitely be with you at the next conference!!! Thank you for all you do!!
SheriAnne and Mike